Serving Hawai’i's Nonprofits and Businesses

Hawaii's non-profits and businesses are the cornerstones of our community, but their future is at stake. To ignite their growth and ensure a thriving future for our islands, we must cultivate a spirit of collaboration, empower them with financial sustainability tools, unleash their entrepreneurial spirit, and equip their workforce with the skills they need to succeed. By forging cross-sector partnerships, diversifying funding sources, fostering innovation, and investing in workforce training, we can revolutionize these vital sectors. Together, we can create an ecosystem where Hawaii's non-profits and businesses are not just surviving, but driving economic prosperity, social well-being, and environmental sustainability. Let's join forces, share best practices, and make this vision a reality.

- Mike Brock Founder and Executive Director

What We Do

  • Convene

    Bringing together diverse groups to achieve a common goal and improve our communities.

  • Create

    Develop innovative solutions by considering the whole system and applying proven methods.

  • Consult

    Using the most effective consulting practices and methods to provide a personalized and supportive experience.

“Incredible things in the business world are never made by a single person, but by a team.”

– Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple